Friday, November 7, 2008

Learning How To Say "I Love You" and Mean It

The night of November 6th, 2008, my parents and I have had a long discussion. Everybody was concerned that I might try to hurt or kill myself in some way. There had been moments when I thought so myself. But after them finding out, home life began to change. I had even signed a contract and vowed to never harm myself.

The family would not accept my homosexuality. I don't think they will ever agree with it, but I do think that they will come to terms and realize that being gay is just PART of me. I am a teen. I am a rock music fanatic. I am gay. I am NOT a gay, rock music-fanatic teen, but I AM a teenager that loves rock music who is gay. They will most likely always believe homosexuality is a sin. But they are beginning to break through the barrier and seeing that I believe different, and that I have different view on life. If they are coming to terms, they will see and they will love me for me, regardless of our different opinions.

Tonight (November 7th, 2008), my family will see my psychologist. They are getting help, as I am too. With tears of sorrow and tears of joy, my family has been learning how to say "I love you." They are forgetting how to say "I love you, but..." and they are learning how to say "I love you, period."

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