Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Like Jesus: Damnation Before Acceptance...

Feel alone? Feel scared or rejected? Remember this: you are NOT alone.

Jesus was rejected. He was human, but fully devine. He was an innocent man, yet He was crucified. He became sinned who knew no sin... all that we might become His righteousness.

The same thing happens in life today. When my family found out I was gay, they were not accepting of it. Things were that way for over a year. Then, with the grace of God, the family has been educated, and they now accept me for who I am, and not who they think I should be.

Yes, my family still believes homosexuality is a sin. BUT, they accept me and understand that I believe different and that I have a different view on life (Just like they are Southern Baptists and I am a United Methodist!).

My family is like a doughnut. When you look at it, we look like a doughtnut, with a nice-size bite taken out of it. I was the piece that was bitten off, and the family was the remaining part of the doughnut! Now isn't that funny and wierd?

Like Jesus, I was damned; then I was widely accepted by my friends and family. This was a valueable lesson for me. I hope it is for you. In life, you are damned before you are accepted.

So if you feel like letting go of this life (like I did before), just HOLD ON EVEN TIGHTER! Because it will get better sometime. In life, you are damned before you are accepted.

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