Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Art of Me

My primary pastor: Brad, of my church, gave a sermon called the Art Of Me. He states that we are like lego people.

To me, we are lego people. God made us. And everytime we sin, some of our lego fall off our structure. Jesus died so he could restore us back to our "brand new factory" condition. He takes the legos that have fallen off, and puts them back to the place they belong (and yes, Brad, I'm still carrying that lego block in my pocket!). Read Isaiah 1:18.

God made us as we are. Before our time began, our lives were in His hands. Read Isaiah 45:12.

I pray when things are going wrong. That's how I've managed to escape suicide temptation, and other bad things. I trust Him when to answer me and any will of His. Read 1 Chronicles 5:20.

It is true that God doesn't cause all things to happen. Even when things are out of our control. When you are overloaded, bent out of shape, your lego structure starts to callapse: PRAY! God will restore you to that "brand new factory" condition.

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